“Never mind,” I cryptically texted, refusing to go into detail.Įventually, around midnight, the little girls called it quits. I continued on, refusing to be thwarted.īy that time I was close enough to the cars and kids to see that they weren’t actually cars and kids. Then Marlboro Man responded, “There is no road.” What does he mean? He can’t see me? How is that possible? I’m driving right toward them. I drove along, and a few seconds later, Marlboro Man texted back. I figured Marlboro Man would look down the road and see my gnarly white vehicle traveling along, leaving a trail of dust behind it. I stopped the car and typed “I see you guys!” on my phone. At least I was headed in the right direction. They were a good mile-and-a-half down the road, but at least I had them in my sights. There they were! I saw a bunch of cars-all of Marlboro Man’s cousins who’d traveled from far and wide with their kids and their tents-and I saw all the kids running around and playing.
I think he was concerned I’d taken a wrong turn. And by the time I was at this spot, my beloved texted me. Marlboro Man had gone on to the campsite with the kids and I’d run to town to get more bottled water since the temperature was 109 degrees at 6:30 pm and in situations like that, mothers don’t know what else to do but buy more bottled water.